Do you know when to take a break?

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You probably know the famous saying, "Que sera sera," or, "Whatever will be, will be." That's the advice I'm giving myself!

If you follow me on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook, you may have seen that I recently turned 30 and that weekend my husband & I ran errands in town. 

(We lived in a very rural area, so EVERYTHING was far away from our house, so we plan ahead to run all your errands "in town" at once! haha!)

When we got back home, we cooked dinner and I decided to break from the computer for the rest of the night and enjoy free time, which meant the next day I had a lot to get done, including writing my weekly blog post.

I woke up early, had my coffee, and began checking things off my list. But when it came time to write my blog... nada. No ideas. Total mental block.

I'm totally owning up to this today; I had NOTHING planned ahead for today's post. So of course, writer’s block hit me. I couldn't think of anything to write about in the time I have available.

So, what now? I'm thinking, looking for inspiration, checking through emails to read results from a survey I sent out the month before, but a lot of that is planned for future posts and will require more time than I have available today.

I decided that,

…resting is just as important as working.

So what did I do?

Nothing. I decided to do nothing! (wwwwwhhhhaaaaaat.... ?)

Yes, obviously I wrote something, because you're reading it now! But today's post is more about a single point!

It turns out my mind is cluttered, full of ideas, and tasks on my many to-do lists –for my home, my website, my blog, and my clients.

Of course, it didn't help that a pipe broke in the middle of doing laundry today! So now my father-in-law is over here fixing that with my husband, and I'm the go-for: getting water, towels, tools, etc., while they're under the house with all the spiders. 😳

So apparently, I had many signs from the universe telling me not to push it and that’s okay.

Instead of miserably slogging through and fighting it when I'm not "feeling it" and have too many other things going on at the same time, or panicking as the day comes to a close, I'm just listening and paying attention to those signs.

Nobody's perfect, and I'm not losing anything by not having a perfect blog post today! 

The universe was telling me I needed to take a break today, and "whatever will be, will be!"


How well do you pay attention to your own needs? (in order to take care of yourself)

When you know you need to stop and take a break for yourself, do you? Or do you keep going, even when you really don't have to?

Katelyn Dekle

This article was written by me, Katelyn Dekle, the owner & designer behind Launch the Damn Thing®!

I love coffee & chai, curse like a sailor, make meticulous plans, am very detail-oriented, and love designing websites on Squarespace. As a Web Designer & Educator with nearly 20 years of professional design experience, I’m still passionate about helping & teaching others how to finally 'launch the damn thing' –and have fun in the process!

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